How to Create a Product Launch Marketing Plan

How to Create a Product Launch Marketing Plan

How to Create a Product Launch Marketing Plan? Here are some tips for success! You’ll learn everything from pre-launch planning to Rollout phase and Calls to action. Moreover, you’ll also discover how to create a business case for your product launch. Keep reading for more insights! Also, make sure to bookmark this article for further reference. It’s a must-read! We hope that you’ll find these tips helpful and useful.

Pre-launch planning

When creating a product launch marketing plan, pre-launch planning is essential to ensure that your business will launch to a successful start. Successful launches generate new business leads, loyal fans, and a lot of attention for your business. They also open new doors for business partnerships and investments. Here’s how to create a successful pre-launch marketing plan:

Identify your target audience. It’s important to understand who your audience is and what they want to buy. Using the RACE Framework, you can plan the entire customer experience through your product launch. The visual representation of this process acts as a check list for all the steps necessary to launch a successful product. Your pre-launch planning should include crafting a product tagline and positioning statement. A product launch marketing plan is also useful for determining the timing of your launch and will empower you to allocate resources to the best channels.

How to Create a Product Launch Marketing Plan

A good product launch marketing plan will begin with a business case. This is the data-backed justification for the product launch. In the case of an offering-related launch, the product marketing team will “own” the plan. In this case, it’s important to share this plan with cross-functional teams and stakeholders to ensure that all team members are on the same page. Include people from different departments, including sales, support, engineering, and legal.

Rollout phase

The go-to-market guide includes everything a launch needs, from the goals and pricing recommendations to the distribution channels and roll-out activities. It should also include who is responsible for each task, and when the roll-out will take place. The next step is to outline the various channels to share the message and get feedback. Using too many channels and targeting the wrong audience is a common mistake among new product marketers. Pick one channel to focus on and use the others to support it.

The template lays out your launch activities in three phases, each containing a list of tasks. For each segment, list the primary goal, assign owners and due dates, and then add subtasks. Each segment should have a status column to keep track of progress and highlight delays. If you use a Microsoft Excel version of the template, you can customize the key by inserting a specific status for each task.

How to Create a Product Launch Marketing Plan

Calls to action

You’ve probably seen an example of a product launch marketing plan that uses a compelling call to action. A lead generation CTA, for instance, invites your audience to learn more about your product, not to purchase it right away. In this case, the CTA plays off the idea of an eco-friendly company that’s proud to offset carbon emissions, rather than selling something. You may also want to consider using “Log In with Google” or another similar call to action.

While you might not have a product launch marketing plan, a good CTA is an important part of your marketing strategy. Consider the size of your target market. Do you target people who use desktop and tablet computers in similar ways? For example, a couch-surfer watching TV may look for a product on Google after noticing a brand ad on TV. You should create a CTA that fits that scenario.

Business case

Before launching a new product, you must develop a business case. Your plan should clearly define the goals and selling ideas. The plan should also outline the channels to launch your new product, and how you will spread the word about it. If you are marketing a new product for the first time, you should avoid channels that have inappropriate audiences, but instead choose a main channel to communicate the product’s key features. Besides, you can support your main post through social media and email.

A business case will also help you determine if a new product is viable. You must base your decision on objective market data, and the experience of your current and potential customers. You must also understand the needs and pain points of your target audience to determine if your new product will be a success. After determining what kind of marketing plan to use for your product, you should evaluate the overall success of your plan. The business case should also include the costs of launching and marketing your new product.
