
Mattresses are expensive, so it’s important to take care of them. In fact, following these tips for caring for a bed mattress could make it last longer. In today’s blog, the bed experts at Superstar Furniture talk about how to take care of your mattress.

The best groundwork is vital

For the right support, different types of mattresses need different foundations. Innerspring mattresses, for example, can work well with a box spring, which raises the bed, keeps the mattress in place, and improves airflow. Recollection foam mattresses, on the other hand, usually work well with a slatted platform bed, as long as the slats are no more than 3 inches apart. Hybrid mattresses also work well on platform beds with wooden or closely spaced panels. If you have joint pain, back problems, flexibility issues, acid reflux disease, or if you snore, an adjustable bottom bed could help relieve some of your symptoms. Just make sure the bedding you choose will work with your bed’s adjustable foundation.

Carefully choose a bed guard.

One of the most important tips for taking care of a mattress is to find the right mattress protector, as it can help a lot with taking care of your bed mattress. Still, you should choose a bedding guard based on your needs. If you’re mostly worried about fluids and stains, for example, a water-resistant bed guard can give you peace of mind and protect your bedding from stains and mildew. Dustmites and pet dander can also easily collect in your bed, so if you have severe allergies, you should definitely think about getting a bed mattress guard with allergen protection. Bedding protectors can also make the bed more comfortable by adding extra padding and help regulate the temperature. This is especially helpful for people who have a storage foam bed that tends to get hot.

Rinse Your Home bedding On a regular basis

Cleaning your bedsheets may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about how to take care of your bed, but it is a very important part of keeping your bed in good shape and making it last longer. Most of the time, you should wash your sheets and pillowcases once a week to keep them from spreading germs and bad smells to your mattress. We also recommend washing your bedsheets with boiling water to get rid of germs and dust mites more effectively. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, you should also rinse your bedding guard every sixty days. As long as you put a sheet between you and your duvet or comforter, you can probably get away with only washing them every other month.

Frequently turn or replace your bed mattress.

Make sure you rotate or flip your bedding often to help spread the wear and tear that comes from sleeping in the same spot every night. Before, flipping your mattress was a very common thing to do. However, most modern mattresses are made to only have one side, so they need to be rotated instead. Modern innerspring, hybrid, memory foam, and pillowtop mattresses should all be rotated once or twice a year. Still, some mattresses aren’t made to be rotated, so make sure you read the manufacturer’s instructions.

Atmosphere Out Your Bed Frequently

One of the easiest things you can do to take care of your mattress is to let it breathe every so often. When you clean the bedsheets or leave town for a while, take off the bed mattress cover, open the window shades, and let the bed air out. This will not only stop any smells, but the sun’s ultraviolet rays can also kill bacteria and dust mites.

Clean your bed completely. Regularly

In addition to regularly cleaning your bedsheets and mattress protector, vacuuming your mattress with an upholstery attachment every month or two can help get rid of dirt, dustmites, and other contaminants. In fact, our cleaning manual has instructions on how to clean your bedding properly so that it will last for years.

Don’t eat or drink in your mattress.

If you want your bed to last, you won’t want to ignore this tip for taking care of your bed mattress. In reality, eating and drinking in bed could cause some pretty big problems with your mattress. Not only can crumbs attract bugs and other insects, but spilling a drink on your bedding can cause odors and fungus to grow.

Don’t stand up or jump onto the bed.

Moving and sitting on your mattress can hurt your bed, especially if it has innersprings. That’s why it’s important to stop people from jumping and standing on their beds.

Move your bed carefully.

Many bed mattresses get damaged when people move to a new house or apartment. This is why moving your mattress carefully is one of the most important tips for taking care of your bedding. Before you move your bed, put it in a plastic bed mattress travel bag to keep it from getting damaged, dirty, or infested. You’ll also need to support the mattress with rope or a ratchet band so it doesn’t move and hit other things in the moving pickup truck. No matter what you do, don’t bend, fold, or pull the bed mattress down onto the floor.

Looking for a new bed? Icon Sleep has got you covered. Look through our large selection of mattress for sale near me, which includes frames, bedding, pillows, etc.

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