Getting Your Site Indexed and Ranked Using SEO

“Search engine” optimizers will tell you that keyword stuffing and cloaking aren’t harmful, and that any site can rank on Google’s first page if it follows their exact formula. This is incorrect. In a strict sense, Google’s algorithm is unconcerned. The keyword density on each page and the distinctiveness of the content are what it is concerned with. Spamming occurs when content is duplicated on multiple pages. If the keyword density isn’t high enough, that doesn’t indicate all of the pages are spammy.

I’d want to show you some evidence that cloaking isn’t a good idea. Why? If other sites are cloaking, cloaking sites will quickly fall out of the search results list. And this will have a major impact on your rankings.

Let’s take a look at one of the sites that use this “spyfu” technique and see what Google has done to them over the last year. You can now look at the website to see how they did it. Google will send bots to this site to index it. As a result, they will be ranked. But that isn’t what we’re talking about. What we’re curious about is what Google has done with this website. And the answer is that they have dropped one position in their ranking. This is now at an all-time low. You may observe this by using the Google Toolbar to do a site browsing. You’ll see that the website is near the bottom of the list. However, you may also have a peek at the page rank. If you use Google to search for a website, you’ll find that the page rank is significantly lower. And you’ll see that this website does not appear on Google’s top page. This is one of the sites that employs the “spyfu” strategy. How did they fare?

  1. Each page of the site should have had its own content.
  2. Each page should have only one title tag, with the title tag containing their chosen keywords.
  3. They should have prepared their content for search engines.

There are many other strategies that can be employed, but the only thing that matters is that you did something that you thought was important. You should claim that your material has achieved something that your viewers will remember and be interested in. But these days, it’s rather easy to get away with stuffing your keyword-rich material into a website and having Google index it. It is, however, a short-term victory. You fooled Google for a while, but in the end, you’ll be exposed. So you’ll need a long-term approach. That strategy should include a variety of tactics such as creating relevant content, properly formatting your content, obtaining relevant links from relevant sites, attracting a large number of visitors to your site by creating a good site map, maintaining your site, having a good user interface, and so on. But, in the end, you must have a fantastic user interface that is indexed and ranked.

Here’s the bottom line: The more you learn about search engines and how they rank websites, the more you should work on getting yours indexed and rated. This is a straightforward procedure. All you have to do is maintain your site updated, keep your material current and relevant, and build a large number of backlinks.
